I am so pleased to announce that we are expecting our fifth baby due in January! I had wrote about trying for another baby in a previous post. I must tell you that I signed up with Fertility Friend and tracked my basal body temp, charted my fertility signs and recorded inter*course. We were able to conceive the second month of trying! As I mentioned before, we have never been able to get pregnant when we wanted, and we have always left our timing up to the Lord. A friend shared with me that God said to be fruitful and multiply-so go ahead and make the effort to get pregnant! So we did lol and the results are miraculous!
As we have also had several miscarriages, this same friend who has miscarried 8 times and just carried her baby to term, shared with me her use of a herbal supplement called Welcome Womb. Twice in the beginnings of this pregnancy I felt cramping, a slight bit of spotting and I started to run a mild fever. Both times I up my dose of Welcome Womb to hourly and I truly believe that and prayer saved our baby. I praise the Lord for directing my friend and later us to this amazing product!
Anyways, we are now working on our 14th week of pregnancy, and some of my sickness is starting to ebb, praise the Lord! I am always sick all the way through, but the intensity usually starts diminishing around now, and I start having good days more frequently.
So I wanted to share some of the ways I have learned to cope with morning sickness over the years.
1. Prayer! Of course this doesn`t alleviate the symptoms, but having a daily running commentary with my Lord helps me focus on what is really happening, I am growing a miracle in my belly! And by sharing my burdens with Christ, I keep from over complaining to my husband lol!
2. Get up slowly! This can be tricky when you have Little's at home to care for, but waking up and slowly getting out of bed, vs jumping out and rushing make a big difference for me.
3. Eating small amounts all day. My first two pregnancy`s I couldn't eat anything, I lived on Popsicle's and iced tea. However I have learned that by eating a little bit all day I never feel hungry-which makes me super nauseous, and I never feel full -which also makes me super nauseous!
4. Suck on a candy or preggi pop. I am drastically affected by smells when pregnant and I dry heave over 30 times a day, usually because I caught a whiff of something unpleasant (to me). Things that set me off include laundry soap and body wash smells, the smell of my blankets lol, dirty diapers! It really can be anything actually! I have found that sucking on a candy or mint makes me not smell things to the same degree and has helped me not dry heave as often!
5. This pregnancy I finally figured out a huge key in helping me survive-I hired the 15 year old neighbor girl to come and clean for me one day a week! She does all my dishes, sweeps and mops the floors, vacuums and picks up laundry and toys that the kids missed etc.. Because she is only 15 I am paying half what I would for a professional housekeeper, and she has seriously helped me maintain my sanity! This week is the first week I have been able to do much cleaning, but she is still scheduled to come tomorrow to help in the areas I haven`t quite managed yet. I must also say that my daughters are so much older this time and have been able to help with many things, including dishes, bathroom and laundry. As well as helping take care of our youngest, playing with her outside etc... It has made a world of difference! I now understand how large families can make things work, all the responsibilities do not fall on just the mother-many hands make light work!
Well I hope this post encourages a struggling mother out there to just keep hanging on. This to shall pass, and one day very soon all our struggles will be replaced with a tiny bundle of joy to snuggle and these trials will be but a distant memory!
May our Lord bless you in every season of life you may be in,
In Him