Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A whole lot of changes

Hello, yes it has been months since I have written here, perhaps no one reads anymore, but alas I do have much to share.

Since my last post we have moved into a new to us house that was GIVEN to us, it is over twice the size of our old tiny shack and we are sooo blessed. I have so thoroughly enjoyed painting, putting in flooring and working at decorating this wonderful new space and making it all ours. It has also been such a blessing to be able to host guests in this house. We have had a few get togethers with friends and family and it has made my heart so glad to be able to open up my home and welcome others in.
Our other big change has been  something I have hoped and prayed for since I was a teenager, and despite the fact that it is not me doing it but my hubby, we are still sharing in the adventure together. Les quit his full time job as a railroad engineer, and is now in full time ministry at a local Christian youth ranch as their year round full time Barn Manager/Head Wrangler. WOW. This has brought so many changes along with it. Most good, a few frustrating lol. It is a salaried position, which we had to do as we still have much small debt to repay after our house in BC was foreclosed due to our renter having a grow opp. The hours during the off season are great, but we are in full swing camp season right now and so we haven't seen him hardly at all. That has been hard on the kids especially. But we are adjusting to our new normal and I am sure two months out of the year won't kill us lol. Its amazing to see how God moved in my hubby's heart over the last year, and how open he was to follow and obey this calling. Its equally amazing how He wooed my heart to be open and tender to saying yes when Les first approached me about it. I could go on, but my writing time is very limited these days as I am basically a single mom for the summer and wow thats been trying. So I will leave you with this for now and hope to share some more farmyard adventures with you soon.