Thursday, September 6, 2012

On answered prayers, surprises and more homesteading adventures

This past week has been filled with exciting and new things around our little homestead. To start off this past weekend we got a call from my hubby's mom saying that her sister and brother in law were out visiting from the coast and wanted to come for a visit. So we said sure, come on over. In true Russell time they showed up 6 hours later than they said, but with a HUGE surprise-the aunt and uncle visiting was a ruse, all though they did come along too-this is what showed up with them

My girls were SOOO excited!!! It is even decorated inside and has a four piece kitchen! The flower boxes are real, and filled with real flowers! We are so spoiled by my mother in law, who happens to be a cabinet maker by trade!!

Next on the list of happenings is some new little critters here at the homestead!
Remember how I had mentioned that we were supposed to be getting another batch of little chicks, this time Barred Plymouth Rocks? Well they had a bad hatch and cancelled our order, but said they would have another order filled for us in a month. Well we said no thanks as that is putting us butchering in Dec. Well they never got the memo to cancel our order so Tuesday morning I got a call from the hatchery wondering if I would like my order filled a week early and if I would be interested in some extras as they had several people not want there chicks. I went gulp, umm well, sure! So Wed we went and picked up 150 little babies!!! These ones are black with a little yellow spot on their heads and little yellow bums-so cute!
Needless to say I spent Tues running around trying to get the brooder all in order etc!
I haven't taken any pics yet-gasp I know-but I will soon I promise!

Now on to the answered prayer!
Being as how we live an hour from a major centre, we have to do a lot of driving to get anywhere and do just about anything. So I have been driving the girls in once a week for the last three years to the city for piano/violin and ballet (one year we went in twice a week for ballet) Well we had decided that we just can't justify the cost of gas, wear and tear on our vehicles etc any more so my hubby really wanted to see if we could find these things closer to home. When I had looked the first year I couldn't find anyone willing to teach either instrument closer than 45 minutes and they were in opposite directions from each other. So that was why I chose the teacher we did, because she taught both piano and violin. So I have been praying and asking God to provide teacher closer to home, in the same direction. Meanwhile I had been hoping to put the girls in voice lessons and have them in a choir. But I knew that the only way to do that was to drive to the city. I was so tormented over wanting these things for them, and wanting to be at home more and driving less.
Well I am so happy to share that God is a God of miracles! He provided a violin teacher, who also teaches in a style I want and like, only ten minutes from here. And then yesterday my mom was in getting her hair done and the lady beside her started chatting, and it turns out she teaches piano and voice! AND she cleans a house for a lady a mile up the road from us on Thurs mornings so she is going to come to my house and teach the girls!!!! Isn't that amazing!!! I was just beside myself all week marveling at the work of His hands! I will only have to drive one day, and only ten minutes from home!! I am sooo blessed!
Well it is getting late here, I better head for bed, blessings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin, I love the play house!! Way to go Bev!! And what an answer to prayer about the lessons - Praise God!! Love, your cuz in Zambia