Sunday, March 17, 2013

What have we been up to? Another time warp update!

Hey all, sorry its been awhile again, life just gets so busy some times! So what have we been up to?

A family ski trip, these pics are our second trip up and we brought our little neighbor girl (in the blue on the right)

Rocking my new ski suit my sweet hubby got me for my birthday!

We found a lady selling three pairs of ski's/boots/poles on kijiji for 100$, so the kids tried them out on the hill at home!

Daddy the tow rope!!

My eggs, I get at least four double yokers a day!

Her hair is long enough for pigtails!! Love this girl!!
1. The month of February was beautiful here, warm temps, melting snow! We took the kids skiing three times, not to the mountains mind you as who can justify 6oo$ for a day when we can get a family seasons pass for 500$ for the nearby hill! The girls picked it up quite quickly and our little guy well, he likes to point them straight down and goes as fast as he can! We are still working on snow plowing with him and his s curves, but he definitely caught on quicker than I thought he would. Julianna is a little more cautious by nature than her sister, so she isn't quite as confident, but she still does really well and can navigate both green and blue runs now as well as both the quad chair lift and the t-bar and the tow rope. Hailey is a little fire ball and likes to zip down as fast as she can! Our third trip she had a good spill however and she seemed a lot more hesitant and cautious after that! She too can do both green and blue runs, and all three lifts. Down hill skiing has always been something my husband and I have enjoyed, we even skied together when we were teenagers as our 4-H club would go a couple times a year. We have really wanted to take the kids for several years now, but with all our moving  and living on a really tight budget we couldn't make it work. So I feel truly blessed that this year we made it a priority and got up three times! I have very very fond memories of skiing with my dad and my cousins every winter and I hope we can share those memories with our own children. We took a few extras with us the last two times we went. Some little girls that I used to watch when we were renting the apartment above the shop at their farm. Our motto is the more the merrier!

2. Les has been working quite a bit, but he has also had some time off, so we have been busy on the around the homestead, doing a few projects, working with the cows. We butchered all 76 of our roosters, and thankfully were able to sell all the ones we wanted to for a good price. The hens are much happier with more space and less boys! I am now getting over four dozen eggs a day!
Thankfully I have some great regular customers who take most of them off my hands! We have a new batch of bunnies, and yesterday Benjamin got into the hutch and was playing with them! Thankfully they are almost old enough to be out, they have lots of fur but their eyes aren't open yet. We checked them this morning to make sure the mother hadn't eaten them as this is her third batch and the first that have made it this far!

3. We are waiting on God for a huge change in our family. There is quite a background story to this, but I can't share everything yet. I will just say that we are perhaps, if everything works out, going to be going on a mission trip to Zambia Africa! My sweet cousin and her family are there right now for a year working in a baby home, and this fall Les felt God telling him to go! This is very significant because my husband has never wanted to go, he has always felt that he should send money, but not go himself. I on the other hand have always wanted to go, but have been waiting for his leading. Then a few weeks ago, we went to Missions Fest in the city and we really felt God moving in our hearts and reaffirming His call to go. So we have started the process to go for a 3 week trip to get our feet wet and to see where or what else He is calling us to. I am beyond excited, and also nervous! I have felt that our trials with our house in BC, moving into this house and becoming mortgage free have been God's way of setting us up for something. Right now we could pack up and leave and have basically nothing tying us here (other than family/friends) but I mean financially. Anyways I am just so curious to see what God has planned for us!

4. I have been busy as a bee painting and getting ready to put up trim and the tongue and grove on the ceiling in our living room. I was informed by my busy husband this past summer that all the above was a winter project. Well winter is almost over! Despite the two feet of fresh snow we just got, it is almost over-really! And I want all these house things finished up before spring for a couple reasons a: so that I can work outside on all the busy spring projects-like gardening, planting and tending the fruit trees I want to get, yard work and landscaping that needs to get done etc. b: if we are going to Africa for the month of May-that is a huge chunk of time out of our very very short non snowing season! So we will have even less time to get all the outside things done than before! And c: this is well maybe to much info-but I would like to be pregnant again by then sooo, I will be to sick to do anything (grrrrrrr) so I have to get it done NOW! Ahem, don't share that info with just anyone please lol! We miscarried in February again, this is our third one, thankfully we hadn't really told anyone, and it was early, but still painful.
 Hopefully today I will get another wall washed and painted. The middle two went with daddy to his moms house today for a sleigh riding party that she is hosting. So I may actually be able to accomplish something!

5. I bought some lovely fabric and patterns at Fabricland Friday. I have been wanting to buy some to make a few skirts for myself as I am a funny shape these days and can't find anything to fit me properly. So I thought I would make my own! I got some amazing deals, my patterns were all 50% off, and my cotton twill was 70%! It was quite a successful trip! Now if only I could find the time to work on it all! I am still behind on my pre christmas sewing *sigh*

Well I could go on and on, but for now that will have to do for an update!
Hope you are all well and that spring is just around the corner (for some of you)!


Tina Marie said...

My, you have been so busy. I pray that whatever God has in store, He will give you lots of strength and peace. I can't imagine going to Africa! Wow!

I am so sorry that you miscarried. Are you doing alright? Is there anything I can do for you? I too have miscarried three times. My heart goes out to you and your husband. God bless.

Katharine said...

Thank you for talking about your miscarriage. We miscarried about three years ago and when it happened I realized no one I knew was talking about this. The more we talk the more people will know we are there to listen.

So much change is coming for your family! May you all go forward with excitement and joy.